An Internet WebQuest on WebQuest

Created by W200G

Introduction | The Task | The Process & Resources | Evaluation| Conclusion |

Historian | Detective | Educator | Web Master



The age of accountability demands an end to the lecture-based classroom. Along with a host of fund-raising responsibilities, the 21st century educator must deal with the following:

engaged learner
student-centered projects
higher order thinking skills
Inquire-based learning

problem solving
collaborative learning projects

While you are getting a handle on all of that, you must also integrate technology in your curriculum as you are driving your students down the 'Information Super Highway.' This trip will present a whole new set of challenges. If you want to avoid those, 'My kid surfed where?' conferences, you must prohibit your students from taking a side road.

Well have no fear 'cause WebQuest will come to the rescue!


The Task


Your goal is to gather information and utilities for the development of a WebQuest project.



The Process and Resources


In this WebQuest, you will be required to discover the origins and elements of a WebQuest. You will also discover sites offering WebQuest development tools. In addition, you will be required to gather links to WebQuest projects focusing on a variety of topics and disciplines.

You will then be tasked to develop and post a WebQuest on a topic of your choice.

Phase 1 - Background: Something for Everyone

Use the Internet information linked below to answer the basic questions of who? what? where? when? why? and how? Be creative in exploring the information so that you answer these questions as fully and insightfully as you can.

·         The WebQuest Page - Everything you need to know about WebQuests. WebQuest Utilities!

·         Ozline To WebQuest or not to WebQuest - That is the question.

·         EdHelper - WebQuests and More!!!

·         Concept To Classroom Why WebQuest?


Phase 2 - Looking Deeper from Different Perspectives



Individuals or pairs from your larger WebQuest team will explore one of the roles below


Read through the files linked to your group. If you print out the files, underline the passages that you feel are the most important. If you look at the files on the computer, copy sections you feel are important by dragging the mouse across the passage and copying / pasting it into a word processor or other writing software.


Note: Remember to write down or copy/paste the URL of the file you take the passage from so you can quickly go back to it if you need to to prove your point.


Be prepared to focus what you've learned into one main opinion that answers the Big Quest(ion) or Task based on what you have learned from the links for your role.


Historian, WebQuest Origin and Elements

Use the Internet information linked below to answer these questions specifically related to Historian, WebQuest Origin:

1. Who is credited with the development of the WebQuest format?

2. What are the elements of a WebQuest?

·         WebQuest Building Blocks - The elements of a WebQuest are described here.


Detective, Why use the WebQuest Model?

Watson, the game is afoot!

Use the Internet information linked below to answer these questions specifically related to the Detective, How does WebQuest impact learning?

·         The Straight Scoop on WebQuest

·         Inquiry-Based Learning

1. How does WebQuest stimulate learning?

2. What are the web myths?


Educator, WebQuest Examples

Use the Internet information linked below to collect WebQuest links as required of your role as Educator, WebQuest Examples:

1. Collect WebQuest links for five different disciplines.

Browse the common links for additional sites.

·         Marcopolo

·         Instant WebQuest Database


Web Master, Posting A WebQuest

Use the Internet information linked below to answer the question specifically related to Web Master, WebQuest Posting Information:

1. Which sites offer free WebQuest posting?

Browse the common links for additional opportunities for posting.

·         Filamentality - Post Your WebQuest Free

·         Instant WebQuest - Create and Post - Free





The WebQuest model can be an effective tool for dealing with the challenges facing the 21st century educator.


Introduction | The Task | The Process & Resources | Evaluation| Conclusion |

Historian | Detective | Educator | Web Master