Techno Cat 











To be a Techno Cat, you must discover the secrets hidden in the following web pages. You will be expected to display your skills in navigating sites and providing search information to reveal the answers you seek.  You must provide the answers in the appropriate boxes and printout the completed form through your browser.


Those who answer all questions correctly will be rewarded with the Techno Cat button. Your teacher will provide you with the secret link to claim your prize.


Good luck and happy hunting!







Special Instruction:


What is a cat’s normal temperature?



"When a cat smells the milk on a baby's breath, it will lick their mouth and smother them" or "If a cat hears the baby cry, he will think a strange cat is in the house and leap into the crib to harm the baby." Myths such as these are also called:



An out-of-context or irrelevant response to anxiety is called a displacement behavior.


Rather than fight a foe or risk rejection from an owner, a cat may select a totally unrelated activity such as:

Dogpile Meta-Search Engine


Copy and paste the following phrase in the fetch search box.

"displacement behavior" +cats

Select the following link:

Displacement Activities and Stereotypes - Cats International


What is the Latin name for a domestic cat?


search for: cats



Cheshire Cat was a character in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.

Yes  No






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Open a second window in your browser to facilitate searches.  Use one window for the scavenger hunt and one for searches.




Some answers may be found by double clicking on the picture icons. Others will require the use of special functions. Check the Special Instructions Column for more information.




When you have completed the exercise, click on the answer link to download the answer sheet. Your instructor will provide the password.


Download Template



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